quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011

The Secret to Love That Lasts

Um livro a comprar rapidamente. Parece mesmo muito interessante para ler nestes tempos de Natal. Por alguma razão é bestseller no New York Times.

The Five Love Languages argues that people express love in different ways, and people feel loved in different ways. These five types of expression and perception are the five “love languages.” According to Chapman, people feel loved when a partner expresses love in the language that is natural to the recipient. If love is expressed in a different language, that message of love isn’t received.
The five “languages” are:
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Acts of Service 
  • Physical Touch (not the same as sex)
If one partner expresses love as “Acts of Service,"” but the other needs “Quality Time” to feel loved, they’ll both feel frustrated. Or if a partner expresses love with “Gifts” to a partner who needs "Words of Affirmation," that expression of love won't be understood.
Chapman argues that in a relationship, we should figure out what language makes our partner feel loved, and provide that; even if we’re acting very lovingly according to our own standards, if it’s not what a partner needs, it won’t make that partner feel loved.(aqui)

Afinal, haverá alguma coisa mais importante que a procura da felicidade?

PS: Sim minhas amigas eu emprestarei o livro!

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