A teaching team is only as good as the sum of its parts. Stressed and burned-out teachers don't benefit anyone. Effective teams understand the need for personal rejuvenation. They look after one another. (...)
Teaching is always on our minds, but sometimes we come up with our best ideas when we leave the job behind. We might go to the movies and find a surprising connection to an upcoming unit or read the newspaper on a Saturday morning and catched a related article. We never totally turn off our teacher brains, but we've learned how to shift into lower gears. (...)
Work smarter not harder.
in "Teamwork: Setting the Standard for Colaborative Teaching, Grades 5-9" by Monique Wild, Amanda Mayeaux and Kathryn Edmonds.
in "Teamwork: Setting the Standard for Colaborative Teaching, Grades 5-9" by Monique Wild, Amanda Mayeaux and Kathryn Edmonds.
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